Mini crops that grow naturally in the kitchen. We post ready-sown grow mats of herbs and veg that start to sprout in the post and produce patch of leaves weeks later – think gourmet cress.

Mini Radish
All the pungency in a week

Mini Amaranth
Rich red and earthy

Mini Broccoli
Mild mannered
Pop the mat in a saucer or choose one of our grow kits.
Micros generally give one crop – but it only takes a few weeks to get there
Living greens won’t waste like the shop bought greens do.

It’s live
We prime the seeds so they get off to a good start once they land on the doormat. That means cleaning, soaking and drying the seed before coating the seed onto a natural coco seed bed with seaweed jelly designed to promote germination and make them easy to transfer to their pots. Our minimal packaging is plastic-free the grow mats can be composted after use, even in a food waste bin.
Lucky dip
There’s around 30 herbs and veg in the seed store which we pick from each month. Peashoots, Radish and Cabbage are popular but some lesser known ones too.

Big or small
The trays are packed with more seeds than the usual herb pot so there’s enough space to grow them a few inches high. Eat them, or grow them on in a bigger pot.